Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Prince (Jonathon), by Francine Rivers

I am a book-aholic! I am finally at a point in life that I can once again have my nose buried in several great reads simultaneously! I have worked my way thru the Women of Faith series by Francine Rivers (my wording... might not be exact). Those five books were excellent reads as they give the life and culture of the time of Biblical events. I'll blog about these later.

What else was awesome is that most of these books in her series have coincided with my daily Bible reading. This has enhanced my comprehension of what was problematic for our spiritual family back in their day.

I just completed the 3d book in the Sons of Encouragement series: The Prince. This was written by Francine Rivers. Here are a few points I wanted to capture in order to come back at a later date for Bible lessons, Object lessons, and perhaps someday, for getting published.

p10 You have courage - I just want you to live long enough to have good sense.

(don't we all say something along these lines to our kids? And doesn't the LORD say the same to us!)

p140 Where did his father come by such knowledge and confidence? It could only come from the Lord God.

(this was written about Jonathon's thoughts about his farmer dad, who became Israel's first king.)

p106 {future Object Lesson} "Maybe someday," David sighed. "My father said the law is too much to learn and takes too much time away from the sheep." Jonathon remembered how his own father had preferred plowing fields rather than digging into the scriptures.

(this was said in regards to doing the will of man, instead of the will of our Father.)

p152 The law broke his heart and burned his soul. It did not say the father had to be worthy to be honored... the law says that we must show honor to the father and mother.

('nuf said)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Passover; Part II

This year what really hit me hard was the 9th Plague, the Plague of Darkness. I have read that this type of darkness is almost a moist feeling. One in which you truly cannot ever see your hand in front of your face. A darkness that is so pitch black that your eyes will never adjust. Even if you were to try to light a candle, the light would be puffed out. There is no oxygen in this air. There is NO LIGHT!

This is what the darkness was like during the three hours of darkness at the death of Christ. Completely devoid of Light. Are you making the connection?

This is what it is like without God ~ the Father, God ~ the Son, and God ~ the Holy Spirit. Complete darkness. No way of knowing where you are going. No way of seeing the way. No way of having the Son shine upon you. Without God, we are in darkness. However, with God, we walk in the Light.

I John 1/7 "If we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship one with another. And the blood of Jesus cleanses us from ALL sin."