Saturday, April 5, 2008

In the Shadow of His Wings

For some time I've considered creating this blog as a journal of my walk with my Abba Father. It amazes me to stop my world from spinning and see the Hand of God in every aspect of my life. I love my Lord and Savior. I love 'chasing the rabbits', as my dad would say! By that I mean finding a thread in the Bible and seeing where it takes me. I'm excited to start jotting down the places I've been! The journeys are often perilous when man goes at them alone. However, when man reaches out to the Creator, his life is settled. That doesn't necessarily mean that the path is made smooth. It means that his path is not walked on all alone, for HE is there.

At our congregation I head up the Ladies' Bible Class study on Wednesday nights. We do a series of 13 weeks at least once a year on "object lessons." These could be considered parables. As Christ took an everyday object, such as a mustard seed as he was standing in a field of mustard flowers, and turned it into a life lesson, this is what we are doing, too! While in the beginning I had many voice their concerns over this new and foreign format, now I hear the excitement that each week brings as someone brings forth their 'parable.' To see the growth in the Lord that is taking place in these ladies' lives is eternally priceless.

Part of my goal is to record the object lessons that others have done in order to share with others how they, too, can find the Lord in everyday objects! And part of my goal is to trace the steps He's taken me!



Casey said...

How sweet! I thought about doing another Blog, too- but I don't have time and in 5.5 months I really wont have time.
Thanks for doing this and sharing your walk with me/us.
Love you and I am proud of you and the journeys that God has taken you and your family on and the outcome of it all. I believe only a child of God would be able to handle the things you've gone through. Know we love and pray for you everyday.
Love your lil-sis

Cheri w/ a "C" said...

tears... thank you! love you sissy! 12 years ago, I wouldn't have had the time either! Not even to do one blog... Actually not until Kel turned 3 could I think of breathing! ; ) Love you

Skells said...

haha i was digging the "chasing rabbits" comment...
it reminds me of 2 things:
1) Alice in Wonderland
2) The Matrix where Morpheus is like you take the red pill and find out how deep the rabbit hole goes!