Sunday, April 6, 2008

Object Lesson: Where is Your Gethsemane?

On March 19, 2008, Ashlea M presented her object lesson. Ashlea is a senior in high school who has decided to move up to the Ladies' Bible Class, and I really have taken a liking to her! Anyway, she surprised us all by signing up to do two (2) object lessons for this quarter! Her first one was on having a quiet place to pray. She had attended a convention where the speaker suggested finding a quiet "closet" to pray (his was the bathroom... mine is the shower!!! I can't hear the many interruptions my kiddos 'plague' me with, with the water running!) Anyway, she was precious in her detailing how she couldn't get beyond a bathroom (she may some day when she's a mother!) Well, she brought out this beautiful antique prayer shawl from the Renaissance Days that her future dh aunt gave to her for Christmas! Let me say I was doing my best to not covet this gorgeous garment! She explained that she carries this in her school backpack and will at least hold it in her hands while in prayer. Having her hands busy handling the garment keeps her focused on her talk with God. Many of the ladies joined in the discussion on how and where they find their quiet sanctuary to spend the deep one-on-one with our Abba Father. We all agreed that we're like Riptivia (sp) on Fiddler on the Roof and are in constant communication with our Lord. However, when we *do* stop our world, where is the place we find solitude? Christ had the Garden of the Gethsemane upon the Mount of Olives... where is your Gethsemane?

1 comment:

Casey said...

Mine is the bathroom and has always been the bathroom- even before I became a Mommy/Mom/Mama :) Its always been my place of prayer, place to relax, and to get myself together. Maybe thats why when I was in labor all I wanted to do and be at was in the bathroom (which in a hospital isn't all the comfortable, or cozy by all means- but the toilet was... LOL)
And when I use to drive ALL the time in PHX traffic, I would always get lost in prayer and in thought with God. It was *ME TIME* Now with Ellie, *ME TIME* is during her nap time which sometimes its my nap time, too which = *ME TIME*
Although the bathroom isn't as comforting right now- I can still hear her cry and ask for "maaama" and I rarely get to shower alone. One day soon ha ha ha