Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Object Lesson: Passover

Tonight I held a Seder Dinner and finely tweeked a child's Haggadah (telling of the Passover story) for the object lesson for Ladies' Bible Class (LBC). It was so sweet to have my 4 kiddos come with me to set it up prior to class! They love doing the Passover each year at home with family and guests. And this year's preparation was even more thrilling. Charlie wanted to know what each item was for. He was definitely the "wise child" that is discussed during the Haggadah. I didn't get pix - but I'll take some this Sunday, as it is Passover then, and I'll be doing this for Hannah and Grace's class. I'm super tired right now - so I'll post more about the points in this story that really hit me this year. That's what I love about the Bible and studying God's plan for my life. Each time I read passages something new will pop out and hit me upside the head for that "Ah-ha" moment! I had a few this time around. More later when it's not so late.

Next Year in the New Jerusalem!


Casey said...

HEY! When are you going to post a PASSOVER meal? Looking forward to hearing about it. I think maybe next year (with your help) I will host one here in AZ. Thought about doing it this year, but I don't know why I didn't. See you next year for Passover, even if your in KY and me in AZ :)

Cheri w/ a "C" said...

hey - i'll help you. we still haven't done the passover with the kids for a meal - seder for this year. that's the beauty of grace. i think we're going to invite a fam from church cuz their kids were not in class when i did it for them. we'll see. so, i'll post the seder dinner when that happens!

um... and you didn't do one this year because you have a 1yo!